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Business Plan Competition 2021 Indonesia

⏩Daftar Ulang Peserta 22 Agustus – 27 Agustus 2021 Fesfood 2021 (Food Technology Festival) is an annual event organized by HIMATEPA Universitas Udayana. Part of the event is the business plan competition for students from all over Indonesia. Ghina Tsabitanisa Kusumajadi (Business 2019), Audry Gita Amanda (Business 2019) and Muhammad Rizki Akbar (Business 2019) represented Universitas Prasetiya Mulya at the Fesfood 2021 business plan competition. For this competition, they created a business idea in the form of more practical and environmentally friendly food technology products. It also aims to promote Indonesian culinary specialties. They also hope that it can provide solutions to complement one aspect of the Sustainable Development Goals: health and well-being. Their team competed against teams from Universitas Padjajaran, Universitas Brawijaya and other prestigious universities in the country. This competition took place in October 2021. Their idea and hard work resulted in winning 3rd place in the competition.

Congratulations to Ghina, Audry and Rizki! The Entrepreneurs` Festival 2021 is an annual event organized by Politeknik Negeri Malang as part of the Student Entrepreneurs Exhibition. This year`s theme is “Start-up Innovation for Millennial Entrepreneurs in the Age of the Digital Economy.” It was a seminar and competitions: National Business Plan Competition and Digital Poster and Video Marketing Competition. Universitas Prasetiya Mulya students never hesitate to enter the competition, including the E-Fest 2021 National Business Plan Competition. I Made Yogi Windu Saputra (Business 2019), Michael Louis Setiadi (Business 2019) and Jefferin Handiokho (Business 2019) represented our university in this competition. In this competition, they are developing a startup market to connect MSM players with B2B providers in Indonesia. Their idea is called Business Alley and brought her as one of the 10 finalists. They faced teams from Universitas Indonesia, Politeknik Negeri Malang, Universitas Gadjah Mada and UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. During the final phase, which took place in December 2021, I Made Yogi Windu Saputra, Michael Louis Setiadi and Jefferin Handiokho presented their work to the jury. Their hard work paid off. He won the 3rd place. Congratulations to them! PUBG Mobile Campus Championship 2021 National Campus Ambassador and SEA Campus Regional Ambassador English of Siloence (English Club of Social and Politic Science Fisip UPN “Veteran” Jakarta) held its annual English competition called EERIE 2021. Under the slogan “Through Hard Times: We are in This Together”, the competition aims to show what unity and solidarity really mean.

EERIE 2021 offers three competitions: The Debate Competition (British Parliament), the Short Story Competition and the Speech Competition. Students at Universitas Prasetiya Mulya are interested in foreign languages. One of them is Bintang Srimawlang (International Business Law 2021), who participated in the EERIE 2021 speech competition. She competed against students from all over Indonesia. It is not easy to write a speech and it is even more difficult to read it aloud. Bintang proved to us that she was doing her best. She won the 3rd place. Platz. Gratulieren wir ihr! ⏩Technical meeting (MT) Final participants 10. October 2021 Grand laureate of the World Olympiad for Innovative Science Projects (WIPO) Award 2021 The sub-theme of the 2021 National Business Plan competition includes: 1.

Teknologi2. Creative Industries3. Food4. Service5. Socio-economic6. Agrocompleks7. Environment8. For those of you who wish to participate in this contest as well as information about the terms and conditions, you can click on this link Yes drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZJ7p2Nri3Mix7Z25lXBPhdYNFOATeCH5 To get information about student insurance, job grants, internships and other students, you can follow our social media at: – Instagram: @bima.ubakrie- Twitter: @kemahasiswaanub@ubcareer- Facebook: Bakrie University Student Affairs La List of participants of the Bureau passed the registration phase of the INSPACE 2021 Investment Gallery business plan competition of the University of Pamulang accounting program organized their annual event called Anninvestsary 3.0. This year`s theme was “Make your dreams come true with the spirit of investing.” This event consisted of two competitions: Stock Case Competition and Digital Design Stock Investment. Amanda Angellica (Finance & Banking 2018) and Audrey Celia (Finance & Banking 2021) participated in the National Stock Case Competition. They represented Universitas Prasetiya Mulya and show how enthusiastically our students participate in competitions.

Amanda and Audrey prepared their paper to present to the committee first. They were promoted as one of the 10 finalists along with the team of Universitas Sebelas Maret, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Universitas Pamulang, Universitas Islam Negeri Jakarta, Universitas Diponegoro, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta and Universitas Mercu Buana. Amanda and Audrey presented their article to the jury in early December 2021. Their hard work paid off. They won the 1st place and also the prize for the best speaker. Congratulations to them! Young Entrepreneur Days (YED) is an annual event organized by BEM FMIPA Universitas Indonesia. The slogan of YED 2021 is Build, Create, Make this happen. As part of YED 2021, there are several events: StartUp Innovation Competition and Poster Competition. The Start Up Innovation competition is open to middle school students across Indonesia, while the poster competition is also open to high school students.

Students at Universitas Prasetiya Mulya are always excited to participate in various competitions. Learning at home doesn`t stop them from competing. Our students truly maximize their learning experience. Agatha Kenan (Food Business Technology 2019), Tarisha Herry Lokito (Food Business Technology 2019) and Vitalia (Food Business Technology 2019) participated in the YED 2021 startup innovation competition. The theme they should follow is “Create your own start-up with innovative ideas and technologies.” You can also choose from the following sub-topics: Food and Beverage, Education Promotion, Transportation and Accessibility, Game Development, and Health and Sanitation Management. .

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