Define a Contract of Guarantee and Explain Its Essentials
A security is waived if the creditor enters into a contract with the principal debtor by which the principal debtor is discharged or by an act or omission of the creditor that leads to the discharge of the principal debtor`s debt. 2. The clear promise of the guarantor to be responsible is necessary – secondly, to establish a guarantee, there must be a clear promise on the part of the guarantor to be responsible for the guilt. If A goes to the West End Watch Co. with B and says to the owner, “Let B have this watch, and I see you get paid,” that`s not a guarantee; but if A says, “That B has this watch, and if he doesn`t pay you, I will,” that`s a guarantee. The main function of a guarantee contract is to ensure payment of the debt assumed by the principal debtor. If there is no such debt, the guarantor no longer has anything to guarantee. In cases where the debt is time-barred or void, there is therefore no liability on the part of the guarantor. The House of Lords in the Scottish case of Swan vs. The Bank of Scotland (1836) stated that if there is no principal debt, no valid guarantee can exist.
The principal or principal contract is the one that exists between the creditor and the principal debtor, while the contract that exists between the creditor and the guarantor is called a secondary contract. A warranty contract may be concluded orally or in writing. It may result expressly or implicitly from the conduct of the parties. In the absence of a contract to the contrary, the liability of a guarantor is identical to that of the principal debtor. This means that the guarantor is liable to the same extent as the principal debtor. A guarantee can be “oral” or “written”. Like any other contract, it must meet all the essential requirements of a valid contract. As already mentioned, three parties are involved in a warranty contract.
At the same time, there are also three ancillary contracts, namely: The warranty contract is based on the existence of liability and this should be legally enforceable. So, if there is no liability, there can be no warranty contract. Because the principle of the warranty contract is based on liability. The Black Laws Dictionary defines the term guarantee as the assurance that a legal contract will be properly enforced. A warranty contract is governed by the Indian Contract Act of 1872 and consists of 3 parts in which one of the parties acts as guarantor in the event that the defaulting party fails to comply with its obligations. Collateral contracts are usually required in cases where a party has had a loan or needs employment. The guarantor in such contracts assures the creditor that the person in need can be trustworthy, and in case of default, he assumes responsibility for payment. Thus, we can say that the guarantee contract is an invisible guarantee that is given to the creditor and must be discussed further It is not necessary for a guarantee contract to be in writing. This can be done orally or in writing. In addition, it may also be concluded by the express or implied conduct of the contracting parties.
A security contract can be revoked in two ways: the three contracting parties, i.e. the principal debtor, the creditor and the guarantor, must agree to conclude such a contract with the consent of the other. Here, it is important to note that the guarantor assumes responsibility for the principal debtor`s debt only at the request of the principal debtor. Therefore, express or implied communication from the principal debtor to the guarantor is required. Notification by the surety to the creditor of the conclusion of a contract of guarantee without the knowledge of the principal debtor does not constitute a contract of guarantee. There should be agreement between all parties, i.e. the principal debtor, the creditor and the guarantor. If there is no match, it is not possible to conclude a warranty contract. To learn more about the essence of a valid contract, please read this The warranty should not be obtained by distorting the facts to the guarantor. Therefore, although the guarantee contract is not an uberrimae fidei contract, i.e. in absolute good faith, it does not require full disclosure of all essential facts by the principal debtor or creditor to the guarantor before entering into a contract.
But the facts that may influence the extent of the guarantor`s liability must really be presented, in addition, the contract remains valid regardless of the inaction of the principal debtor. But there will be no contract if the guarantor is incompetent. A continuous guarantee is defined in section 129 of the Indian Contract Act 1872. A continuous warranty is a type of warranty that applies to a number of transactions. It applies to all transactions carried out by the principal debtor until revocation by the guarantor. Therefore, bankers always prefer a continuous guarantee, so the guarantor`s liability is not limited to initial advances and also extends to all subsequent debts. Define the “guarantee” and explain the essential element. Distinguish between a warranty contract and compensation. When a guarantee is given for a certain number of transactions, it is called a continuous transaction. Figure A book B On the guarantee of C. Goods. .
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