Is a Residents` Association a Legal Entity
If the association acts through individuals or committees or any other delegated authority, in most cases these individuals are accountable to the person with whom they deal for what they do on behalf of the organization. However, the situation can be more complicated and depends on the application of contract law and implied authority. Membership is the sovereign organ of the organization, since it follows from its consent to the conclusion of the inter se contract that the association exists at all. Their powers should be clearly defined in the Constitution. Often these are limited to: With CC&R, fees are something that can vary greatly. Some CIDs charge a nominal monthly fee for the maintenance of common areas, while others may charge a much higher fee. In addition, CIDs may charge residents for major renovations or repairs. These fees can accumulate quickly, and the fee policy depends on what the CID and the government association determine. In some cases, residents who are unable or unwilling to pay the required fee may expect a seizure. The essential elements are therefore (i) that there are members of the association; (ii) there is a treaty which binds them inter se (i.e.
multilaterally binds each member to each of the other members); (iii) they have a common purpose that is not commercial; and that (iv) there must have been a time when a number of people came together to form the association[3] (although these people do not have to be the current members). Often, a treasurer is appointed, who is responsible for monitoring the association`s funds. Often there is also a secretary who makes sure that all the rules of the association are properly followed. It is also important that the association has one or more objectives, and these are usually stated at the top of the constitution. If it is not possible to put into practice the objectives of an association (for example. B if an association is founded to raise funds for a school that no longer exists), the association dissolves. This stems from the frustration rules of the contract: for similar reasons, an association with a single object cannot change it. Choosing the right legal form for your organization can be confusing, so turn to: In general, the more common issues associated with running a registered association or club should be included in the bylaws. When there is a choice as to whether provisions should be included in statutes or sections, laws are sometimes elected because they are not known to the public. However, it should be remembered that while not all provisions can be included in laws, in most states any provision that can be included in laws may also be included in statutes and a provision in statutes is superior to a provision contrary in laws. In exchange for the powers granted by state law, companies must comply with various legal obligations, including: Although an unregistered association itself cannot own property, in the strict legal sense, there are mechanisms that are used to achieve the same effect.
[8] Sometimes groups of people want to come together to achieve a goal and are not concerned with personal responsibility or feel that the activities to be carried out by the group do not justify the formality of creating a truly separate entity. These “groups” are often called associations and some states give them legal status. This article discusses their essential characteristics. The second option is that the gift to trustees or officers, who could rightly be considered trustees, be held in trust for the purposes of the association in a trust .. . .